
CoolSculpting Elite FAQ

CoolSculpting Elite is a non-invasive, FDA-cleared procedure that removes stubborn fat without surgery. CoolSculpting works by freezing the unwanted fat cells in the body. In other words, those that resist the determined efforts of exercise, diet, and willpower. This method is proven to provide lasting results that everyone will notice. Controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn body fat is the process of CoolSculpting and its success. 

CoolSculpting Elite is a new technology that freezes stubborn fat in specific areas of the body. The procedure takes about one hour per area treated with minimal downtime or discomfort afterward. 

CoolSculpting Elite is:

  1. Non-Invasive
  2. Non-Surgical
  3. A Med Spa Alternative to Surgery
  4. No Anesthesia Required

 What it Can Do For You

Firstly, permanent reduction of fat cell size. Simply put, this technology will give you results that people will notice. You will appear smoother, slimmer, and more youthful. Further, this method is not a weight-loss product. Rather, it is a way to remove localized areas of fat bulges. To begin with, those typically hard-to-reach areas such as:

  • Chin
  • Arms
  • Thighs
  • Back
  • Abdomen
  • Hips

With CoolSculpting Elite, you will confidently put your best self forward 

Your Body and Your Med Spa Professional

Your Med Spa clinical professional works with you to design the treatment. A body-contouring plan perfect for your body type and needs. Therefore, specialized service is guaranteed. Address your target areas in a comfortable, confidential, and caring environment. In addition, you deserve to look as good as you feel. Bra bulges and muffin tops are a thing of the past. 

The ideal candidate for CoolSculpting is someone with a body mass index (BMI) of less than 25, who is within 20 pounds of their ideal weight. 

How Long Does CoolSculpting Elite Take

Dependent upon the size of the area, CoolSculpting Elite typically takes between one to three hours. Your MedSpa clinician advises on targeted areas and duration.

Cryolipolysis uses a device that destroys fat cells in the targeted area.

What are the Benefits of CoolSculpting Elite

CoolSculpting Elite is a new and improved version of the original CoolSculpting body contouring procedure.

The benefits of CoolSculpting Elite are:

  • A single treatment session
  • You can wear clothes to work immediately after the treatment
  • It’s less expensive than other body contouring procedures

Choosing CoolSculpting Elite

Body contouring is a great way to ensure you are in the best shape possible. But, there are some side effects to be considered. It is essential to educate yourself so you can make an informed decision.

During the procedure, you may experience sensations of

  • Pinching
  • Tugging
  • Pulling
  • Cold
  • Tingling
  • Stinging
  • Mild aching and cramping

Side effects are typically temporary and often subside within days. These side effects are generally mild and are not experienced by all. Most initial reactions subside as the procedure progresses. Following the procedure, typical side effects include temporary redness, swelling, bruising, firmness, tingling, tenderness, and skin sensitivity.

Therefore, while the Elite is non-invasive, it is a clinical procedure. Consequently, it is one to be undertaken with guidance from your primary care physician. Lastly, and most especially if you have underlying conditions or concerns. Additional information can be reviewed on the Healthline website and your MedSpa professional. 

MedSpa, Glamor Medical, is a clinical leader providing non-surgical alternatives to body care and contouring. The Boca Raton, Florida team of professionals and experts, is ready to consult and advise you on a treatment plan that includes the CoolSculpting Elite. Contact Glamor Medical and schedule your appointment today.

15 thoughts on “CoolSculpting Elite FAQ”

  1. I have heard of coolsculpting before, but I had really no idea what was involved with the procedure. This sounds very interesting and a nice way to improve appearance.

  2. I’ve heard of cool sculpting before, but didn’t know the details. Looking at the recommendations, I would fit in the ideal candidate range. I’ll have to see if it’s available near me.

  3. I love how popular cool sculpting is getting. It sounds extremely safe, easy, and provides fast results. I’d love to try this and share this with my friends.

  4. I always appreciate avant-garde beauty treatments very much, technologies are also advancing in the field of beauty and with less and less invasive treatments they guarantee great results! I love read it!

  5. i’ve always have this chubby round face and i am seriously considering a face treatment that will somehow slim my face down just even just little bit. I think this is it!

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