IPL for Pigmented Lesions

IPL for Pigmented Lesions

What is IPL

IPL, or intense pulsed light, is a type of therapy used to improve and treat wrinkles, discoloration or texture and unwanted hair. IPL is similar to laser treatment, however, instead of only using one wavelength of light, it releases light at many different wavelengths. This makes it so that IPL can treat a larger area of skin in a shorter amount of time. You can use this treatment anywhere on the body, but it is most commonly used, and the best results are seen on the face, neck and hands. 

The treatment targets the dermis without harming or damaging the epidermis layer. In other words, without harming the surface layer of skin, the second layer is being penetrated by the IPL. The heat from the light helps to destroy unwanted pigment and dark spots by breaking down the cells in the skin. The body then removes the damaged tissue naturally. In addition, if using IPL for hair removal, it works by destroying the hair follicle to prevent growth. 

Benefits of IPL 

There are many benefits that come from the use of IPL. Although, it is recommended to undergo 3-6 sessions of treatment to achieve optimal results. An appealing benefit of IPL is there is no down time after each treatment, as opposed to Botox or other more invasive treatments. IPL is non-invasive, relatively painless and comes with highly effective results. After receiving the recommended sessions, the treatment can completely eliminate lesions, restore texture and remove unwanted dark spots. 

Below is a list of skin conditions that IPL can help correct or eliminate:

  • Acne/ Acne Scars
  • Wrinkles/ fine lines
  • Freckles
  • Liver or age spots
  • Pigmented Lesions
  • Stretch marks
  • Broken blood vessels
  • Dark spots from sun exposure or hormonal changes
  • Discolored/ textured skin
  • Scars
  • Redness caused by rosacea
  • Spider veins
  • Unwanted hair
  • Birthmarks 

Although IPL can be used on anyone, it is proven to be most effective on lighter skin tones. This is the case for most laser treatments. The effectiveness of the treatment also depends on the quality of the equipment used. At Glamor Medical, which is a South Florida Medspa, they use the most advanced technology while creating individualized treatment plans for each patient. Glamor Medical uses Siton’s MJoule BBL skin solutions system to safely and effectively treat all of the conditions listed above.   

Pigmented Lesions

One major skin condition that people use IPL to treat is pigmented lesions. These lesions involve melanin and can be brown, black or sometimes blue in color. Although these pigmented lesions can be harmless, they can also be cancerous in some cases. Oftentimes, when these spots are malignant, they will change color, shape, may bleed or become constantly itchy. If you notice any spots on your body that have any of these characteristics, it is important to consult with a dermatologist.

Pigmented lesions can take several forms including:

  • Freckles
  • Lentigines
  • Melasma
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Skin tags
  • Seborrhoeic keratoses
  • Moles
  • Telangiectasia
  • Erythema
  • Broken Capillaries
  • Dyschromia

Equipment like the Siton Mjoule used at Glamor Medical, helps to effectively treat and clear vascular and pigmented lesions in a safe and reliable way. The treatment targets and applies light to the affected areas, causing coagulation of the blood vessels. Thus, breaking the pigmented lesions down into small particles, which then disappear or rise to the surface of the skin as scabs. These scabs will naturally be exfoliated within one to two weeks prior to treatment. 

Is This Treatment for You?

If you are looking for a proven and successful treatment for any of these skin conditions, without the invasiveness, IPL treatment may be your answer. If you are in the South Florida area, visit Glamor Medical for a consultation with Alena Kuneff, MMS, PA-C. They tailor each treatment plan for your needs and goals to provide you with the best results. 

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