
Microblading, also known by a variety of names such as eyebrow embroidery, microstroking, and feather touch is a form of permanent makeup that provides a means to partially or fully camouflage missing eyebrow hair with the appearance of simulated hair. The procedure uses a small blade to deposit pigment into the upper layer of the skin. It is a semi permanent tattoo, lasting anywhere from 12 to 24 months.
What is Microblading and How Long Does Microblading Last?
Full, thick eyebrows have been trending for years now, but what about those of us not blessed in the brow department? Having thin, patchy, or
December 30, 2020
Say Goodbye to Your Makeup Routine with Permanent Makeup
Are you tired of spending time every morning applying makeup? Do you wish you could just wake up with perfect makeup that never needs to
March 11, 2023
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