Understand the different between Dermal Fillers and Botox

What is the difference between Dermal Fillers and Botox?

Whether you use a Dermal Filler or Botox, each of us desire to correct those minor facial skin imperfections that occur over time and with age.

It is completely normal and legitimate to look in the mirror and wish to have a more youthful appearance, and if you go to a dermatologist or a surgeon to eliminate these small defects, there is no shame in it.

Always consult medical professionals and certified centers for this procedure, ensure the best technology is being used, and prioritize safety.

Dermal Filler or Botox-based therapies are both safe and effective in counteracting the inevitable signs of aging on our face. These two methodologies are often confused, even though they are completely different and address different issues.

Botox: what is it for, and what are the indications?

Botox is used to treat wrinkles caused by repetitive facial movements, such as frowning or eye movement.

It acts as a neuromuscular blocker, it leaves the muscle relaxed and static. Without muscle movement, there is no formation of wrinkles even if the patient performs the movements continuously. The best thing is that the Botox application prevents new wrinkles and treats existing dynamic wrinkles.

Botox application is performed with micro-needles that inject the substance directly into the muscle to be treated.

Dermal Filler: what is it for, and what are the indications?

Dermal Filler is indicated for the treatment of static wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles are caused by facial muscle movement, while static wrinkles come from aging or as a progression from dynamic wrinkles. They can be seen even with relaxed muscles.

Dermal Filler is done with hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally produced by our body but which decays with the aging process. The treatment seeks to reduce wrinkles, restore facial volume, and promote overall facial rejuvenation.

The application of hyaluronic acid is made with micro cannulas, which are injected to fill in the spaces.

The differences between Dermal Filler and Botox

Botox is the common term used to define interventions that involve the injection of “botulinum toxin, “i.e., a neurotoxic protein generated by a specific class of bacteria.

“Botox” is mainly used to prevent skin aging and, therefore, the appearance of wrinkles. This toxin decreases muscle activity at the points where it is injected, thus slowing down the appearance of wrinkles.

Few people know that Botox is also used in cases of strabismus or muscle problems. Risking DIY treatments or using an unprofessional specialist may lead to “blocking” of facial expressions.

Instead, the Dermal Filler contains hyaluronic acid, which is naturally present in our body. This system acts diametrically opposite to Botox, i.e., filling and plumping the wrinkles already present on the face where the skin has lost its natural elasticity, stimulating collagen production. Dermal Filler is also used in many other contexts and for different needs, not just for wrinkles.

In recent years there has been an apparent increase of under 30s who turn to doctors and surgeons to plump their lips, modify their contours and increase their volume. One of the most common applications of hyaluronic acid is on the lips.

It is a fast, simple, non-invasive, and, above all, reversible operation, unlike the old procedures with silicone-based injections.

In addition to enhancing the lips, the Dermal Filler is also used to “level” the nose profile, plump the buttocks volume, or correct other facial imperfections.

In general, we can say that while Botox is used to correct expression lines (eyes, crow’s feet, and forehead), the Filler is preferred for the lower area of ​​the face, therefore, for those wrinkles that appear between the nose and the lips, on the cheek or along the jaw.

However, both methods effectively rejuvenate one’s face and appearance.

How long do the results last?

The face is prone to wrinkles and expression marks, which can be caused by aging or by repeated muscle activity. To correct these signs, both Botox and Dermal Filler can be indicated. However, although both are applied to the face, they have distinctions in relation to techniques, and objectives, among other points.

Both Botox and Dermal Filler have temporary results, losing effect over time. Typically, Botox results last an average of four to six months, while the Dermal Filler result lasts about a year.

If the effect is waning, new sessions can be done with a 3 month gap between them. In this case, Botox must be reapplied in full, while hyaluronic acid should only be used to fill in the missing areas.

For the result to be more lasting, it is essential that the patient uses sunscreen every day and maintains daily skin care. It is also necessary to adopt good life habits, such as: 

  • maintain a balanced diet;
  • drink plenty of water;
  • do not smoke;
  • minimize stress;
  • sleep well;
  • Avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Please Note: Botox is not recommended for children under 18 and pregnant women.

Incredible substances with different purposes

Botox and Dermal Fillers have different functions: Botox paralyzes muscles and Dermal Fillers add volume.

The truth is that, for a complete harmonization of the face, it is possible to combine the two treatments, depending on the patient’s needs.

Therefore, we suggest you look for duly qualified and renowned professionals when you take care of the beauty of your face.

Get in touch and schedule an evaluation with Glamor Medical. I’m sure you’ll love the result!

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