Chemical Peels
A chemical peel is a treatment used to improve the overall appearance of the skin. During the treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the skin and allowed to soak in. Over the next 1 to 14 days, depending on how deep the treatment soaked in, the skin peels off. This process intentionally destroys parts of the skin in a controlled way so that new skin can be revealed and grow in its place.
We use a variety of peels at Glamor Medical and tailor their use to patient needs and desired outcomes.
TCA peels produce dramatic results, treating various skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, hyper-pigmentation, rosacea, and fine lines and wrinkles without the discomfort and downtime associated with traditional harsh peels.
TCA’s – Perfect for mature skin that has lost its youthful glow. Non-irritating, hydrating, and strengthening.
How to Look Good With Flaking Skin Post-Peel or Laser
Facial peels are a common treatment used to remove the outer layer of skin. The most common rejuvenating treatments are laser peels and an alpha
All about chemical peels – TCA Peel, Glycolic Acid, & More
Everyone wants amazing skin. Chemical peel treatments can give you glowing results in 30-45 minutes. They remove cells on the surface to bring out the
Skin Issues You Can Improve with Chemical Peels
If you’ve been struggling with skin issues like acne scars, age spots, excessive oiliness, large pores, or wrinkles, chemical peels may be the answer you’ve